Do you like Bourbon Biscuits?

7 Mar

Oh, I love Bourbon Biscuits but I fuckin’ hate the ad. I can imagine the brain storming session went something like this:

Client Servicing Executive (CSE): The client wants Hrithik in the ad. The rest is up to us.
Art Director (AD): Okay, what is Hrithik good at?
Copy writer (CW): Acting?
CSE: Are you crazy? Have you seen him ‘act’ in any of his movies?
CW: I watched ‘Prem ki Dewaani’ and was extremely traumatised! Have stopped watching his movies since then. I thought that he may have improved.

After discussing the CW’s choice of intellectual movies, and some further digressing, the AD has a brilliant plan...

AD: He can dance can’t he? Let’s make him dance!
CW & AD: Woohoo! I can totally visualise the ad man. Super!

When presented to the client…

Client: Fuckin’ A! I love the agency. Exactly what I was looking for. A whole year’s free supply of Bourbon for you guys! Muah!

Alright, I am getting ahead of myself. Maybe the client did not give them a year’s supply of the biscuits and just maybe the brainstorming session went on for a few more hours than what has been recorded here. There may have been some back and forth too. And ultimately, it may have been the client and not the AD that wanted Hrithik to dance like the way he did in the ad and commanded that there would be no copy in the ad save for that one annoying question at the end that left us with “Ok, we like Bourbon biscuits (Or not), but now what?And why is Hrithik dancing?”

With all the 30 seconds of twisting and turning, a xylophone for the background score, and a close-up of the Bourbon in the end, I cannot deny one thing- every time Hrithik asks, “Do you like Bourbon Biscuits?” I say “NO!” and change the channel.

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